Saturday, December 22, 2001
Salt Lake City LOTR Premiere Party - Xoanon @ 14:38 PST
From: LC

Line party stories might be passe on your site, but here in Salt Lake we hosted the worlds largest party of them all and I wanted to send you not only a report but pictures as well.

We bought out a 500 seat theater for the 12:01 a.m. screening on the first night of the event. We met in Salt Lake's Olympic Plaza, gave out lots of amazing prizes and had a medieval musical troupe and medieval dancing. Borders and Badali Jewelry donated excellent prizes including a leather-bound boxed edition of the trilogy and a lovely rendition of the One Ring. Paul Badali was our guest at the screening but we weren't allowed to promote for him since it was related to the movie. He just gave us a gift out of the kindness of our heart. We also had a chain-mail expert and maker and invited 10 members of the media to see our show.

Every one of our 516 seats was full and so many people were interested in our event that we refered them to the theater which sold out two additional 300 seaters. We also collected extra money from people if they chose to donate it and bought 35 copies of Fellowship Of The Ring for everybody in attendance between the ages of 12-18.

The event turned out to be a smash hit and plans are already in the works to make next years bigger, better and more charitable.

Xo - Thanks for all you do for so many so much of the time.

Attached are our photos of our outdoor meeting two hours before the film including many in costume. In one shot we formed a giant ring around the olympic fountain - turned off of course.