Anwyn here, folks. I have made a deal with one of my local theater chains here in Champaign, IL, to sell me an entire auditorium’s worth of seats for OPENING NIGHT of Fellowship. In advance. No standing in line. We have the chance to make this a premiere party of our own—dressing up or dressing in costume, and coming together in style to celebrate the film we’ve been waiting for. The only catch is you have to make up your mind and mail me your admission quickly, because the theater cannot hold our auditorium beyond two weeks without payment in full. The limit is 220 people, so get your name to me today!
Here is the deal: $8.00 mailed to me in the form of a money order (I don’t have time to wait for checks to clear, sorry) will get you a ticket to see Fellowship of the Ring on Wednesday, December 19, at 7:00pm in Champaign, IL, in a 220-seat theater with partial stadium seating and digital sound. Follow the steps below to make sure you will be there!!
1) Email with the following information: Your name, the number of tickets you wish to purchase, your email address, and your snail-mail address and phone number. I must have your address and phone number for contact purposes, because the timeline is so tight. Put “Midwest Premiere” as the subject line. You must email me first—I have to keep this streamlined and organized. The email will reserve your spot, the payment will get you the ticket.
2) Immediately after you email me that you want to come, go down to your post office, pick up a money order for the total cost ($8.00 X number of tickets you want), and mail it along with a self-addressed, stamped envelope (in which your tickets will be mailed to you) to:
Cindy McNew (that’s me, Anwyn, naturally)
103 E. Oregon St. #2
Urbana, IL 61801
I cannot stress this enough: Do Not Wait. If you want to come, mail me the ticket money right away, because if the full 220 people do not send their admission, the deal falls through, because I can’t front the money to the theater and hope to sell the tickets afterwards. This has to be a done deal from the get-go. I must have everybody’s ticket payment Absolutely No Later Than Monday, November 12, 2001. Allow at least three days for mailing. Make sure that the address on your self-addressed, stamped envelope is the same as the contact address you gave me in your email, and include your name, number of tickets, email address, snail-mail address and phone number with your payment, so that I can keep my lists matched.
3) Please email once more to say that you have mailed payment—that will make it easier to track our status.
4) Your tickets will be mailed to you in your self-addressed stamped envelope. If we do not get the full 220 people and the deal falls through and you have already mailed me your payment, I will simply mail it back to you in your envelope. If for some unforeseen reason New Line or the theater chain must cancel the showing, again, your payment will be refunded to you.
5) If you email me that you want to come, but there are already 220 people ahead of you on my list, I will put your information in a reserve list. You will need to mail me your payment just as if you were in the regular list, by Monday November 12. If people on the first list do not get their payment to me on time, you will be bumped up and so notified. If you do not make the cut, I will mail your payment back to you. Take notice: If you are in the ‘regular list’ and I do not receive your payment on time, and I have payment in hand from somebody on the ‘reserve list,’ I will be forced to give the ‘reserve list’ party the preference. Make sure you get your payment in on time!
6) Plan to be in Champaign, IL, on the evening of Wednesday, December 19! I will email directions to the theater. Dress up in your best or dress up in your coolest Tolkien costume if you wish; come as you are will be fine, too. I am going to try to get the media interested, so they might be on hand for the “premiere” as well! The movie will begin at 7:00pm and the auditorium will be opened to us at 6:45pm. I will have mailed you your ticket beforehand, so everybody is on their own for seating.
We may not have the glitz of a big city, but we will also not have the parking difficulties, city traffic, and crowds. We will plan to take over a night spot somewhere afterwards to talk about the film. So dress up, go all out, and plan to make a night of it!!! I look forward to your emails!!! This is a totally serious and above-board offer, folks. No waiting in line, a chance to dress up and show this college town what Tolkien fans are made of, and a great night in the theater with like-minded fans. If you don’t feel like dressing up, that’s certainly perfectly fine, too. If you saw Star Trek: First Contact in a theater full of Trekkies, then you know what I’m talking about. Let’s do the same for Fellowship of the Ring!