Sunday, July 16, 2006

Free Shipping Offer for 'Dork of the Rings' - Xoanon @ 11:15 PST
Tim Richardson, Director of "The Dork of the Rings" writes: Save money and be one of the first Dorkers to receive a copy of THE DORK OF THE RINGS which goes on sale to the rest of the world at GenCon on August 10. Pre-order by August 1 and get the 2-DVD set for $20.00 and pay NOTHING for postage. NADA. ZERO. ZILCH. So what do ya think of them apples?

Order online at now or send a check or money order made out to Richardson Productions to the address at the bottom of the page. All orders must be received by August 1. This offer is for continental U.S. orders only.

Besides the 100-minute feature-length film, the DVD set will include:

Please allow up to 2 weeks for delivery. First mailings will go out after August 1.

Send check or money order to:

Richardson Productions
26065 Kirkland Drive
Edwardsburg, Michigan 49112

Orders MUST be received by August 1st to qualify for the pre-order.