Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Parma Eldalamberon On Sale Now - Xoanon @ 19:39 PST
Ostadan writes: Chris Gilson, editor of the Elvish linguistic journal Parma Eldalamberon, has sent out the following announcement that should be of interest to many TORNfolk:

Copies of _Parma Eldalamberon_ issue #12 are available again.

This issue contains the complete "Qenya Lexicon" by J. R. R. Tolkien,edited by Christopher Gilson, Carl F. Hostetter, Patrick Wynne and Arden R. Smith. For anyone interested in the history of Tolkien's invention of the language of the High Elves in_The Lord of the Rings_ this work, dating from around 1915 and containing the beginnings of that long process, is indispensable reading.

And even for those who just want to explore ways of expressing ideas using authentic forms in this favorite of Tolkien's inventedlanguages, the "Qenya Lexicon" contains many Elvish words that have no synonyms elsewhere in the Quenya corpus.

_Parma Eldalamberon_ issue #12 is available through PayPal for $25 including shipping worldwide. The link for this is:


Or you can send payments to me at the address below.

Thanks again to everyone on Elfling who has already shown interestand support for our ongoing efforts to edit and publish Tolkien's writings about his invented languages and scripts!

Christopher Gilsoncgilson75@hotmail.com

Parma Eldalamberon10646-A Rosewood RoadCupertino, CA 95014U.S.A.