ROTK: Action Figure Goodness!
- Xoanon @ 14:42 PST Series 1 - October 2003 - Witch King in Armor, Frodo in Orc Amor, Sam in Orc Armor, Eomer Series 2 - October 2003 - Gollum Crawling, Aragorn with Anduril, Eowyn in Armor, Gandalf The White Series 3 - October 2003 - Eowyn, Gollum with Smeagol Phrase, Prologue Bilbo, Treebeard (8 inch), Gollum with Precious Phrase. Series 4 - October 2003 - King Aragorn, Pippin in Armor, Harad Archer, King Theoden in Armor, Legolas has made a bunch of ROTK action figures available online for pre-order! There are no pictures available yet, but some of the names can give you chills to think about!