Sunday, October 13, 2002

The Magical Worlds of the Lord of the Rings - Xoanon @ 00:56 PST
From the folks at Penguin Putman Inc: I thought you might be interested in a book that we have just published that will have appeal to visitors on your site. Our book is entitled The Magical Worlds of the Lord of the Rings, by David Colbert. Berkley Books, a division of Penguin Putnam, has just released the book in a fully illustrated paperback edition priced at $13.00.

I realize there are volumes of LOTR guides out there already, but I think David Colbert's book has a special appeal. Colbert has set up his book in a Q&A style that is particularly useful to the reader who is new to Tolkien.

He asks pertinent questions ranging from "Why do Hobbits live in holes?" to "When in the world is Middle-earth?" and answers them in short 3-5 page chapters. [More]

Click here to get your copy from today!