LOTR Toy Update
- Xoanon @ 13:32 PST Fellowship of the Ring 6” assort 4 (Galadriel, Haldir, Orc Brute) cancelled Fellowship of the Ring 6” two-packs assort. 4 (Gil-Galad/Elendil a.o.) cancelled Balrog 10” figure cancelled The reason given is that these items would come out too close to the release of the second movie. The second 12” figure assortment should hit the stores any day now. (Galadriel, Aragorn) Also the 10” Sauron figure has not been cancelled (yet) The first two assortments from the Two Towers will be released in November, along with the 14” Treebeard figure. Which surprised me, I would have thought they wouldn’t want to show him before the movie was released. Anyway, I hope this info is useful. Audric (www.audricstoys.nl)
Audric writes: I just wanted to give you a news update on the status of some of the Lord of the Rings toys. I have a small toy store here in the Netherlands and am a big collector myself. Especially all thing LOTR .However, things were getting more and more confusing on several assortments that Toybiz would release. So here is an update I got from a Toybiz representative :