BK Toy Review
- Xoanon @ 12:50 PST Just wanted to drop you a line to let you know that the Burger King Toys are out there now. I found them in my local mall in Pennsylvania. The resturants have the goblets, which are of a surprising quality, and they are convienently dishwasher safe! The toys come in the kids meals, and there are 19 different figures, each with an action base, that have sound/light/other actions. All ninteen bases appear to join in a main base with The One Ring in the center, concievably to perform all of their little actions at once. While the likenesses are only as good as can be hoped for, the overall quality is rather good. In addition, the figures come with the order form for the special edition Uruk-Hai Action Figure, and a "Magic Message" code that unlocks something on burgerking.com. I haven't tried them yet.
From: indy1126