Angelus is not a new spy to us, he/she has sent along information and we KNOW she/he has insider contacts from all over the biz. Take a look at what he has to say, some interesting bits of info that I know some of you will hate to hear. Plus that spikey wheel returns (I cannot WAIT until I prove all you non-spikey wheel people wrong...we posted that story YEARS ago!). Anyways, as always take all this with a grain of salt, but know that this didn't come from a random has cred.I have a friend who told me about Return of the King, first thing, Sauron will be standing off against Aragorn in hand to hand combat.
Men of Gondor surround them both and Legolas shouts "Aragorn!" as a warning, then Aragorn with Anduril in hand rushes the Dark Lord who looked like he was in different armor than when we saw him in the prologue. It is not an even fight and Aragorn is nearly knocked to death as the countdown to the destruction of the ring begins. I guess the goal is to make the audience wonder if the ring will be destroyed before Aragorn is smeared all over Mordor!
Another thing I saw was the death of Saruman. Grima slits Saruman's throat and kicks him over the edge of Orthanc where he is impaled on the wheel, then Legolas shoots an arrow high into the air and is laughed at by Grima as it soars over his head, as Grima is mocking the seemingly inaccurate Legolas the arrow comes spiraling down straight through Grima's skull!