Democritus here: "Went to Viggo's booksigning that he held at the Green Parrot cafe in Wellington this afternoon.
Viggo was signing copies of his art, poetry and photography books with all proceeds going to Bruce Reid who has cancer, and who is an Production assistant on LOTR.I turned up at 4pm to wait half an hour before the signing with unfortunately what looked like most of Wellington. Consequently I had to wait two hours before I got to him. The crowd had a carnival, happy atmosphere about it, and every one was patient despite the cold. By the time I got to Viggo he was looking really tired, but was friendly enough, he was wearing a cowboy hat, and a Danish soccer shirt which was a surprisingly fetching outfit.
I bought a copy of one of his photography books which contain some great photos of the hobbits, and I had on me my copy of Return of the King. He used Maori greetings and farewells for both signings which impressed me.
I got a quick couple of questions in before moving on, there was still a huge line behind me and I reckon he will have been signing for at least four hours today, before its all over.
I got one question in - "Will you be testing that lovely blade out on our favourite dark-lord" (He had commented on the picture of Anduril in my ROTK book). He smiled and changed the subject)
Oh well, sensible chap really, confirmed that they now have one more day of filming, looked great in the beard that he regrew for the pick-ups according to all the woman behind me."