
LOTR Party On WB Lot
Xoanon @ 3:43 pm EST
Ringer Spy RobertoZombie sends along this bit of info on a LOTR party tonight on the Warners lot. This is no rumor, there will be a party tonight, I was in fact invited to it, but just exactly what it is for remains a mystery.

I work at Warner Bros and I just walked by our theater here on the lot and the marquis says, "New Line Home Entertainment welcomes you to Middle Earth and the Lord of the Rings" and there are party fixings galore set up right out in front of the theater...

Unfortunately, the party area is tented and blocked off with yellow tape, but I did spy a very hobbit-looking wheelbarrow right next to the tent entrance.

Home Entertainment certainly indicated home video/DVD release, but it seems a bit early for an FOTR home video/DVD release party.

I've made some phone calls and sent some e-mails (no responses yet) to try to find out WHAT and WHEN and WHO.

Update: It seems that the party is in fact a press announcement on the LOTR:FOTR DVD details, such as release date, content and more.