The Two Towers - Teaser Trailer |
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On June 25th 2002, TORn fan Treebeard pointed us in the direction of an early release of this Two Towers Teaser trailer available online. For those of us who have been starving for a Two Towers trailer, the news was a relief. This trailer is rumoured to be attached with the late July release of Austin Powers: Goldmember.
As of July 1st, 2002, the official release of the Two Towers Teaser Trailer was posted on You can now download a .zip, .sit or stream a full screen version of the trailer. Visit to get the trailer today! [More] The updated frame-captures below are taken from the full-screen version of this official footage.
A special thanks goes out to the follow TORn staffers and friends for helping put this Frame by Frame today: Arathorn, Calisuri, Tookish, Gandalf, Maegwen, PipeSmoke, Tehanu, Gamgee, Thorongil and Saulone
The full-screen frame for the official footage. |
The MPAA banner |
New Lines foggy logo. |
Eowyn standing at the steps of Meduseld. |
Distant shot of Eowyn looking out over Edoras, capital city of Rohan. |
Possible shot of Rohirrim fighting or chasing the Uruk-Hai who hold Merry and Pippin captive. |
Saurons conquest of Middle-earth before the Last Alliance. |
More of Saurons conquest, note the Mordor orc. |
Middle-earth burning up in the wake of Sauron. Is that a Nazgul we can see wheeling in the top left? Calisuri thinks so... [More] |
Aragorn entering Meduseld possibly Theodens throne room. |
Aragorn, Heir to the Throne of Gondor. |
Theoden, King of the Mark and probably Hama, perhaps watching Aragorns entrance. |
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