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UPDATE 02/01/01:
- Added a small commentary from Ringer fan Rallas on the Saruman/Gandalf image. (page 04, image 05)
UPDATE 01/31/01:
- Ringer fan Jeff sent us some very HIGH quality full screen video captures
of the trailer. I have replaced all the images with the ones he sent.
- We've added an .mp3 of the 'One Ring rhyme' in the first couple frames.
Thanks do Dys for sending us this edited and clear version of the speech.
- Thanks to Dune, PipeSmoke, Thorongil, Gandalf, Berendir, Narvi, Pippin Took and Tinuviel for the help with the frame by frame descriptions.
UPDATE 01/20/01:
- I have swapped out all the old images with new ones. They should be a lot clearer.
- Added a few new images to page 01. Before, we didn't have images of the hand reaching for the ring.
UPDATE 01/14/01:
- Clearer picture of Meriadoc in front of King Theoden (page 02, 4th image)
- Cleaned up the 5th image and added 2 more screen shots of Gandalf thrusting his staff onto the bridge. (page 02, 5th, 6th and 7th images)
- MUCH clearer image of Gandalf and Saruman? Does anyone else see that 'head' in the upper middle?? (page 03, 5th image)
On January 12th 2001, New Line Cinema finally released its first in theater
teaser trailer for the Lord of the Rings in front of the movie Thirteen Days
. This 1:46 teaser was widely anticipated and
greatly attended by all.
Each summary is our staff's opinion
of what these scenes actually represent in The Lord of the Rings. As with all
TheOneRing.net content, you are invited to link to this information, but not
copy it. Thanks!
All comments and suggestions can be sent to Ringer Staff members Gandalf and Calisuri.
![\[ Click for Larger Version \]](http://img-nex.theonering.net/movie/preview/images/00_0201a.jpg) |
New Line Cinema Logo |
![\[ Click for Larger Version \]](http://img-nex.theonering.net/movie/preview/images/01_0201a.jpg) |
As the One Ring is forged, we hear the words "ash nazg durbatuluk, ash nazg gimatul"
being chanted in 'black speech.' This was spoken by Gandalf at the Council of Elrond. Click
here to listen to the 60k .mp3 file. |
![\[ Click for Larger Version \]](http://img-nex.theonering.net/movie/preview/images/02_0201a.jpg) |
The flames heat up the ring, revealing the cryptic ancient Elvish letters.
![\[ Click for Larger Version \]](http://img-nex.theonering.net/movie/preview/images/03_0201a.jpg) |
Heres the same scene forwarded a few seconds. It has the One Ring
floating in front of red clouds.
![\[ Click for Larger Version \]](http://img-nex.theonering.net/movie/preview/images/04_0201a.jpg) |
The One Ring floats higher on the screen. The lava from Mt. Doom illuminates the red sky. |
![\[ Click for Larger Version \]](http://img-nex.theonering.net/movie/preview/images/05_0201a.jpg) |
The One Ring continues to float in the clouds with some lightning effects. |
![\[ Click for Larger Version \]](http://img-nex.theonering.net/movie/preview/images/06_0201a.jpg) |
The One Ring floats up into the upper right corner of the screen. |
![\[ Click for Larger Version \]](http://img-nex.theonering.net/movie/preview/images/07_0201a.jpg) |
A hand reaches up to grab the floating ring.
![\[ Click for Larger Version \]](http://img-nex.theonering.net/movie/preview/images/08_0201a.jpg) |
The hand (most likely Frodo's) clasps the ring.
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