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Lord of the Rings Movie News - J.R.R. Tolkien
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Aliases: none
Date of Birth: 2983
Race: Man of Gondor
Height: 6 feet or taller
Date of Death: FO 82
Alignment: Good
Parents: Denethor, Finduilas
Spouse: Eowyn
Date of Marriage: TA 3019
Children: Elboron

Physical description: Tall and fair, as the men of Gondor

Biography: Faramir's gentle nature, and respect for Gandalf, annoyed his father. Despite Faramir's dislike for war, he was a valiant man in battle, and was loved by the soldiers. During the retreat from Osgiliath to Minas Tirith, Faramir fell under the black breath, and was fatally wounded. He was saved from death by the healing hands of Aragorn. During his stay in the Houses of the Healing, he met and fell in love with Eowyn. After the War of the Ring , they were married.

MOvie Notes

David Wenham is cast in this Role
David Wenham as Faramir

Favorite Quotes

"Fear no more! I would not take this thing, if it lay by the high way"...."No, I do not wish for such triumphs."

Movie Images

Official Site - Faramir Cast Image

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