
Full Name: Billy Boyd
Birthdate: August 28th, 1968
Birthplace: Glasgow, Scotland, UK
Hair Color: Fair
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5'7"
Weight: unknown
Spouse: None
Children: None
Biography: Billy Boyd was born in Glasgow, Scotland on the 28th August 1968 to William & Mary Boyd. Despite an impressive number of appearances on stage in such works as Much Ado About Nothing and Merchant of Venice, Billy is often more well known for his appearance on the crime drama Taggart in the UK.
While not working, Boyd likes to keep busy with his numerous past times. His sword-work in The Lord of the Rings may have come easier to him than his colleagues, holding a Grade 7 in foil fencing. Also, Billy holds a Phase 4 rank in both Jeet Kune Do and Phillipino Kali. Boyd also has some musical talent, able to play both guitar and bass guitar while singing with a strong tenor/light baritone voice.
source: BillyBoyd.net

Cast in the role of Peregrin Took (Pippin)

"To play one of the main characters in it, it's not the kind of thing you don't do. Oh, I'd rather not play Pippin in Lord of the Rings..., In fact, I'm trying to think - what else would you rather do, you know? I can't actually think of another job that I'd rather do." - SFX Magazine
"It's not really possible to speak about Pippin without mentioning Merry his whole life revolves around his riends and merry in particular. They are just like the closet of friends that you really can't imagine either o them doing anything without the other." - LotR Official Movie Guide
are a lot like Scots. It's all about nature and enjoying their land,
which is a very Scottish thing."