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Sean Bean
Sean Bean Sean Bean

Full Name: Sean Bean
Birthdate: April 17, 1959
Birthplace: Sheffield, England
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5' 11"
Spouse: None
Children: Evie Natasha, Lorna and Molly.

Biography: With his recent film and television work, the British-born actor has ained two distinct reputations for himself: as the hard man and the lover. As well as playing Alec Trevelyan (006) the good-guy-turned-bad-guy who opposes Pierce Brosnan's Bond in Goldeneye and Sean Miller, the terrorist who pursues Harrison Ford in Patriot Games, Bean has shown a more romantic side to his personality as the compromised photographer in A Woman's Guide to Adultery and as Mellors, the gamekeeper lover in Lady Chatterley, Ken Russell's TV adapatation of D H Lawrence's famous novel.

After studying at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, Bean began his stage career in London's West End in a variety of Shakespearean roles beore making his debut in Caravaggio. Other films include War Requiem, Black Beauty and the Robert De Niro spy-thriller, Ronin, in which he plays the role of Spence, the British weapons expert. On television, Sean has starred in a number of popular series, among them Lorna Doone, Clarissa, Scarlett and his acclaimed performance in the title-role of Sharpe, the Napoleonic war hero in the novels of Bernard Cornwell.

source: Official LotR Movie Guide

Sean Bean
Movie Notes

• Cast in the role of Boromir


• (on Boromir) "Being human, he's more susceptible to the power of the Ring and is constantly having to the fight against it. He knows that it's got a strong draw on him, and throughout the journey, that keys preying on his mind." - LotR Official Movie Guide
• "Lord of the Rings was just so much enjoyment. It was over about the space of a year that I was filming. It's one of the most enjoyable things I've ever done...so emotional." - Interview with Compleat Sean Bean
• "I'm proud of Lord of the Rings, and I want to be there to tell people to go and see it, and get behind it. I think it's a once in a lifetime role, and a once in a lifetime film." - Interview with Compleat Sean Bean

Actor Images

Character Images

Magazine Articles

Award Ceremonies


Film Premieres

Past Roles

Ian Howe in National Treasure (2004)
Dark (Voice) in Pride (2004) (TV)
Odysseus in Troy (2004)
Robert Aske in Henry VIII (2003) (TV)
Cowboy in The Big Empty (2003)
Paul in Tom & Thomas (2002)
Partridge in Equilibrium (2001)
Patrick Koster in Don't Say a Word (2001)
Spence in Ronin (1998)
Alec Trevelyan in GoldenEye (1995)
Sean Miller in Patriot Games (1992)


The Compleat Sean Bean
Sean Bean - IMDB
Other Cast Members
Thanks to Nona from The Compleat Sean Bean Page for the help!
Visit the Compleat Sean Bean Page!

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