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Now, there’s no fun in not being able to voice your opinion about LOTR, so we at pride ourselves on having one of the most intellectual message boards around! Have you ever heard of terms like ‘massage board,’ ‘TORNado,’ ‘EVIL Overlord,’ or ‘neekerbreeker’? Well, head over to our Rumour Mill and discuss whatever you want with other Tolkien fans. The Message Boards are divided into six different forums. Main Board is the virtual community of - here is the place for a good laugh, songs, top ten lists, polls, and more. The Reading Room is your place to fire away all your unanswered questions about the books. We also hold chapter discussions here every week. Movie Discussion is the forum in which we discuss everything that has to do with the movies. From the latest spoiler picture to the ongoing comparison with Harry Potter and Star Wars, everything is being discussed here. Why aren’t they updating the official site? There’s always someone around that can tell you exactly why. The Arena, Gaming, and Feedback are less frequently used forums, but they serve their needs.

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