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Welcome to Barliman's, home of TheOneRing.net's chatroom. We specialize in good times,
good cheer, and good chat. Come on in and sit by the fire! Take part in the
discussion or just relax with your favorite virtual beverage and good friends.
Our door is always open! - the Staff of Barliman's
Saturday, April 28, 2007

Children of Hurin Chat on May 6th!
- Xoanon @ 14:32 PST
After a long break, Hall of Fire finally returns to host a discussion on the very recently released Children of Hurin. Scrupulously edited together from JRR's manuscripts by Christopher Tolkien, the tragic tale of Hurin's children is not new to many fans of Tolkien's writings, having been previously revealed in one form or another in the Silmarillion, Unfinished Tales and the History of Middle Earth.However, Children of Hurin presents the tale without the severe abridgement of the Silmarillion, or the confusing annotated form that is present in Unfinished Tales and HOME. Has Chris Tolkien succeeded in editing together - from diverse manuscripts written decades apart - a tale that is easier going than the archaic, name-filled Silmarillion? Does the introduction of a gloassary of characters help ease those used to the more reader friendly style of Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit into the story? And what of the choice of tale? Children of Hurin is, as Chris Tolkien states - one of the three keystone tales of the First Age that JRR worked on the most. It's also extremely dark, presenting the reader a protagonist who, through his reckless deeds and fiery nature, is difficult to like, much less cheer on. Indeed, many people say they would you have preferred to see a book telling the story of Beren and Luthien instead. And what of the artwork of Alan Lee? Does it mesh well with the material and the style of the tale? Would you have preferred to see Ted Nasmith or John Howe? The gory details Date: Sunday 6 May 2007 Time: 7PM EDT Location: The TORn IRC server: irc.theonering.net in #thehalloffire How long: Between 30 minutes and an hour, but you're welcome to just pop through! Time zone conversions Not sure what time the chat will be where you are? Check this little conversion table out for some help. America: 7.00pm EDT (New York) 6.00pm CDT (Chicago) 5.00pm MDT (Salt Lake City) 4.00pm PDT (Los Angeles) Europe: 12:00 Midnight GMT (London) 1.00am Monday (Paris) Asia-Pacific 6.00am (Monday) Perth 9.00am (Monday) Brisbane 9.00am (Monday) Sydney 11.00am (Monday) Wellington Where? Chat happens on #thehalloffire on irc.theonering.net - the TORn IRC server. You can connect instantly via our java chat client that works inside your web browser (find it here! ) or choose to install a dedicated chat program such as mIRC on your computer. To find out more about using mIRC to connect to TORn IRC server, check out these instructions. Join HoF Announce! Did you know that Hall of Fire has a mailing list? Join today and get topic announcements and news delivered regularly to your inbox! [Join]
Friday, July 21, 2006

Movie Chat this weekend: Ghostbusters!
- maegwen @ 15:39 PST
Get ready to prepare for the coming of Gozer! Movie Chat this weekend features none other than "Ghostbusters." Join us Saturday on our IRC server at 5:30 pm EST when we pop our copies of the movie into the DVD player and press start. We plan to take a break midway through the film, to allow for stretching of fingers. Barliman will be on hand to serve drinks and snacks (and to enforce the house rules). Don't forget to buy some Twinkies! [More]Also, please check out our Summer Schedule, as voted on by the fine folks in Barliman's chat room. Upcoming featured films include: 'Galaxy Quest,' 'Shaun Of The Dead,' 'Say Anything,' and 'Princess Bride.' [The Schedule] [About IRC chat]
Monday, July 10, 2006

LOTROnline Chat with Jeffrey Steefel Posted
- Jincey @ 21:58 PST
TheOneRing.net was pleased to have Jeffrey Steefel, executive producer of Turbine’s new MMORPG in chat today for a Q&A session. The room was packed and we had no way of getting to all the questions! Jeffrey has agreed to answer some of the questions that were missed due to time constraints and we’ll post this as soon as possible. For now, we’ve posted a log of the chat for you to read [here.]
Friday, July 07, 2006

LOTR Online Developer Chat Monday July 10
- Xoanon @ 12:06 PST
 We are very pleased to announce a chat with Jeffrey Steefel, executive producer of the Lord of the Rings Online game. Join us in #TheHallofFire Monday at 5:30 pm to find out more about this exciting game! [About IRC chat] Jeffrey Steefel joined Turbine, Inc in early 2004 and is currently the Executive Producer in charge of the upcoming MMORPG The Lord of the Rings Online. LOTRO will be the first and only online persistent world based directly on the literary works of J.R.R Tolkien and will host a world-wide community of fans and gamers. Jeffrey has been a professional in the Entertainment and Technology industries for almost 20 years, serving as Executive, Director, Head of Production, Principal Designer and Business Strategist for multiple new-media, entertainment and technology organizations ranging from young start-ups to media and technology giant, Sony. Date: Monday July 10 Time: 5:30 pm EST Place: #thehalloffire on the TORn IRC server. Time zone conversions Not sure what time the chat will be where you are? Check this little conversion table out for some help. America: 5.30pm (New York) 4.30pm (Chicago) 3.30pm (Salt Lake City) 2.30pm (Los Angeles) Europe: 10.30pm GMT (London) 11.30pm CET (Paris) Asia-Pacific: 6.30am AWST (Sunday) Perth 8.30am AEST (Sunday) Brisbane 9.30am AEDT (Sunday) Sydney 11.30am NZDT (Sunday) Wellington Where? Special Guest Chats happen in #thehalloffire on irc.theonering.net -- the TORn IRC server. You can connect instantly via our java chat client that works inside your web browser (find it here!) or choose to install a dedicated chat program such as mIRC on your computer. To find out more about using mIRC to connect to TORn IRC server, check out these instructions. See you all then!
Thursday, June 15, 2006

Movie Chat this Saturday: Pirates of the Carribean
- maegwen @ 21:35 PST
Movie Chat this weekend features the delectable double bill of Johnny Depp and our very own Orlando Bloom in "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl!" Join us Saturday on our IRC server at 5:30 pm EST when we pop our copies of the movie into the DVD player. After the usual confusion we'll all press play on our individual players and proceed to cheer and jeer (or discuss and argue, if you like!) the finer points of the film. We plan to take a break midway through the film, to allow for stretching of fingers and backs. Barliman will be on hand to serve drinks and snacks (and to enforce the house rules). [More]Also, please check out our tentative Summer Schedule, as voted on by the fine folks in Barliman's chat room. Upcoming featured films include: a double-feature of 'Alien' and 'Aliens,' 'Galaxy Quest,' 'Ghostbusters,' and 'Princess Bride.' [The Schedule] [About IRC chat]
Friday, June 02, 2006

Movie Chat this weekend: Empire Strikes Back & Return of the Jedi
- maegwen @ 23:13 PST
Movie Chat returns this weekend with a double-bill of "Empire Strikes Back" and "Return of the Jedi." Join us Sunday on our IRC server at 2 pm EST when we pop our copies of ESB into the DVD player. After the usual confusion, at around 2 pm EST we'll all press play on our individual players and proceed to cheer and jeer (or discuss and argue, if you like!) the finer points of the film. We plan to take a break midway through the film, to allow for stretching of fingers and backs. Barliman will be on hand to serve drinks and snacks (and to enforce the house rules). "Return of the Jedi" will follow at 5:30 p.m. [More]
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