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June 25, 2007 - July 17, 2007
News for Jul. 17, 2007
Movies.com 2nd Annual Readers' Poll
7/17/07, 12:51 pm EST - Xoanon
NORTH HOLLYWOOD, Calif. – July 17, 2007 – Movies.com returns with its exclusive Annual Readers’ Poll, and this year’s categories are sure to elicit entertaining and shocking results. Should Tobey Maguire continue his reign in the Spider-Man franchise? Will Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt outshine Suri Cruise? Movies.com readers decide - and maybe they’ll even sway Hollywood hard-hitters’ decisions! [
News for Jul. 15, 2007
Radio Watch: Gino Acevedo on radionz.co.nz
7/15/07, 7:42 pm EST - Xoanon
Rachel, Web Content Manager for Weta, sends this along: Tomorrow, Weta Workshop's Senior Prosthetics Supervisor Gino Acevedo will be interviewed on National Radio's Nine to Noon programme. Gino will be interviewed by host Kathryn Ryan on National Radio's Nine To Noon programme about his work on King Kong and his little known conservation projects. The interview will broadcast on NZ Tues 17 July at 10.05am. If you would like to tune in online, simply visit
radionz.co.nz and follow the prompts to listen to the live stream (free to listen live).
News for Jul. 11, 2007
Club connects 'Narnia' author enthusiasts
7/11/07, 7:41 pm EST - Xoanon
If Lynn Word could meet her literary idol, C.S. Lewis, she would be speechless. "He's a genius," Word said. Lucky for her, and other local residents, talking about him is much easier. Each month, the C.S. Lewis Society of Pittsburgh meets at Murrysville Community Church. Their next discussion is tonight (Wednesday) at 7 p.m. Word said she was first drawn to the group when she saw they would be discussing one of her favorite books "Perelandra." [
News for Jul. 08, 2007
Pre-Ordering opens for ManMelter Raygun
7/08/07, 9:21 pm EST - Xoanon
Weta Limited will open the ManMelter Raygun for pre-ordering exclusively to their VIP clients this Friday 13 July. The Raygun, officially titled the ManMelter 3600ZX Sub-Atomic Disintegrator Pistol, is the third Raygun to be released for pre-ordering from the ‘Weta Originals’ limited edition series. [
News for Jul. 07, 2007
Prince Caspian at Comic-Con 2007
7/07/07, 10:11 pm EST - Xoanon
Walt Disney Pictures has revealed what will be presented for The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian at this year's Comic-Con in San Diego taking place July 26 - 29. There will be a special preview of "The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian" at San Diego Comic-Con 2007. If you are lucky enough to attend you will catch a peek at never-before-seen footage and talk with filmmakers of the second installment of the epic fantasy adventure series. Join director Andrew Adamson, Producer Mark Johnson, Weta Workshop's Richard Taylor, Creature Designer Howard Berger, Visual FX Supervisor Dean Wright, and Costume Designer Isis Mussenden as they answer your questions and share their experiences of filming "Prince Caspian" around the globe! Also, be sure to collect the exclusive "Prince Caspian" Comic-Con poster, designed by fans on Narnia.com and selected by Andrew Adamson!
News for Jul. 02, 2007
WetaNZ Newsletter, July 2007
7/02/07, 12:09 pm EST - Xoanon
WetaNZ: We'll it's been a busy couple of weeks since we caught up with you last, so we thought we'd try a new format - basically telling you more with less words ... or short and sweet as they say! Hope you enjoy ... [
DVD Tuesday: Ghostbusters, Gene Autry & More!
7/02/07, 11:41 am EST - Xoanon
Take an early look on our 'DVD Tuesday' feature...every Monday! There are not too man DVDs out tomorrow, seems everyone takes the July 4th holiday off these days! Take a look at some TV goodies like; 'Degrassi Season 5' & 'Filmation's Ghostbusters - The Animated Series, Vol. 2'. The Blu ray gurus get 'Blood Diamond' & more while the HD DVD crowd get 'Flatliners', 'The Patriot', 'The Untouchables' & more!. Check out the whole list here! [
News for Jun. 25, 2007
DVD Tuesday: Shooter, Black Snake Moan & More!
6/25/07, 1:37 pm EST - Xoanon
Take an early look on our 'DVD Tuesday' feature...every Monday! There are a whole slew of amazing DVDs out tomorrow, take a look at some TV goodies like; 'Monk: Season Five' & 'Reno 911!: The Complete Fourth Season Uncensored!'. Some new collection DVDs include 'Cult Camp Classics 1 - 4' & 'Hammer Film Noir Collector's Set 2: 4-7' The big releases of of the week include; 'Shooter' & 'Black Snake Moan'. The Blu ray gurus get 'Hustle and Flow' while the HD DVD crowd get 'Watcher', 'Mystery Men', 'Meet Joe Black' & More!. Check out the whole list here! [
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