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May 31, 2006 - June 19, 2006
News for Jun. 19, 2006
DVD Tuesday: Syriana, Eight Below, A Good Woman & More!
6/19/06, 3:25 pm EST - Xoanon
A ton of interesting new films are out on DVD this week. Take an early look on our 'DVD Tuesday' feature...every Monday! Check out Syriana, Night Watch, The Hills Have Eyes, Eight Below & more! [
News for Jun. 14, 2006
C.S. Lewis letter donated to university
6/14/06, 7:57 pm EST - Xoanon
LONDON - The recipient of a handwritten letter from C.S. Lewis, in which the author explains the meaning of the "Chronicles of Narnia," has donated it to a university in the author's hometown of Belfast, Northern Ireland. Anne Jenkins was 10 when she wrote to Lewis with questions about a paragraph in one of the Narnia books, "The Silver Chair." Lewis failed to answer her questions exactly, but his 1961 reply provided insights into the magical Narnia story that has enchanted generations of children. The letter will be displayed in the C.S. Lewis Reading Room at Queen's University's new $80 million library when it opens in 2009. [
News for Jun. 13, 2006
Weta crew picks up world TV award
6/13/06, 7:56 pm EST - Xoanon
The special effects wizards at Wellington's Weta Workshop have picked up another top international honour, this time a Banff Rockie award for television programme animation. Weta, along with Canadian co-producers Nelvana, won the animation prize at the Banff World Television Festival in Alberta, Canada, for Jane and the Dragon: Shall We Dance. The Jane and the Dragon children's series is based on Martin Baynton's books about the adventures of a 13-year-old girl and her pet dragon in medieval times. Weta boss Richard Taylor has won five
Oscars for work on the Lord of the Rings and King Kong film productions. [
News for Jun. 12, 2006
DVD Tuesday: An Indian, a Panther, a Hooligan & More!
6/12/06, 10:38 pm EST - Xoanon
This week we have a few selections for you to choose from, take a look at details and order links for the NZ made 'The World's Fastest Indian', actioner '16 Blocks', 'Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang', 'The Pink Panther' and
Elijah Wood's film 'Green Street Hooligans'. [
News for Jun. 06, 2006
A Call to Fans for 'Collector Showdown'
6/06/06, 8:40 pm EST - Xoanon
Natasha from
Treasure HD TV writes: Upon the recommendation of those at the NY Tolkein Society, I m passing you some information about our new HD TV series called Collector Showdown. We are currently seeking participants for our upcoming episode on LOTR and Narnia Collectors. As the show’s researcher, I would be thrilled if you could send out our ‘casting call’. [
News for Jun. 03, 2006
Richard Taylor Podcasts
6/03/06, 10:20 am EST - Xoanon
Bruce writes: Just a quick note that the new series of Supanova podcasts is now up and running and the first release features Richard Taylor from the Friday night at Brisbane 2006. The address is:
News for May 31, 2006
Portrait of a Special Effects Whiz
5/31/06, 6:01 pm EST - Xoanon
Allen Hemberger was safely ensconced at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Ind., teaching his first semester in the engineering department when he got the call. It was from New Zealand. There was a giant ape in the woods, and they needed his help. Hemberger hung up the phone and considered the options: stay in the Midwest teaching about visual effects or hop on a plane to the other side of the planet to work with one of the world's foremost directors,
Peter Jackson, on his epic remake of the classic thriller King Kong. "It was too sweet of an opportunity for me to pass up," Hemberger recalls, "so I took it." [
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