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May 23, 2007 - June 04, 2007
News for Jun. 04, 2007
Richard Taylor Competes at WEOY
6/04/07, 8:06 pm EST - Xoanon
Richard Taylor, co-founder of Weta Workshop and Digital and representing New Zealand, was one of 47 business leaders from 39 companies competing for the title of Ernst & Young World Entrepreneur of the Year over the weekend. All have won national Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year titles and were in Monte Carlo representing their countries in the world’s only global business award. [
WETA's 'Black Sheep'
6/04/07, 7:59 pm EST - Xoanon
Celebriel sends a reminder that "Black Sheep," featuring Weta Workshop's special effects work, opens June 22. The film is about genetically mutated sheep that acquire a taste for humans. Ah, returning to their "Bad Taste" and "Brain Dead" roots!!. The tag line is "Violence of the Lambs" and the New Zealand landscape looks as good as ever. [
DVD Tuesday: Doctor Who, Steelbook Madness, Norbit & More!
6/04/07, 12:48 pm EST - Xoanon
Take an early look on our 'DVD Tuesday' feature...every Monday! There are a whole slew of amazing DVDs out tomorrow, take a look at some TV goodies like; 'CHiPs - The Complete First Season', 'Cosby Show: Season 3 & 4', 'Dark Angel: The Complete First Season & Second Season', 'Dead Zone 5th Season' & 'Doctor Who: Castrovalva, Keeper of Traken, Logopolis'. There is a new steelbook movement out there, or at least the studios seem to want to push them on us, 'Fight Club', 'Cast Away' & 'Platoon' all get the steelbook treatment. The big releases of of the week include; 'Ghosts of Abu Ghraib', 'Norbit' & 'Seinfeld - Season 8'. The HD DVD crowd get a few good titles this week with 'Trading Places'. The Blu ray gurus get 'Blood Diamond'. Check out the whole list here! [
News for May 31, 2007
5/31/07, 10:23 pm EST - Xoanon
Who is the mysterious Dr Grordbort, and what has he got to do with New Zealand’s legendary multi Academy Award® winning Weta Workshop? Well, it seems that Grordbort has reached out from his parallel universe and appointed Weta Limited to manufacture his awesome range of Rayguns.
With names such as the MANMELTER 3600ZX Sub-Atomic Disintegrator Pistol; the F.M.O.M. INDUSTRIES Wave Disrupter Gun, or even the GOLIATHON 83 Infinity Beam Projector, you know that these have been created by a truly warped mind! [More]
High-fliers 'daunt' Weta whiz
5/31/07, 9:59 pm EST - Xoanon
Special effects king Richard Taylor will fly the Kiwi flag in Monaco this week amid the world's leading entrepreneurs, a prospect he finds daunting. Attending the Ernst & Young World Entrepreneur of the Year awards, after winning the New Zealand title last October, Mr Taylor will compete against 46 others from around the world in the luxury Mediterranean port. But it was the prestigious company, rather than the swanky location, that was the biggest treat. "We have always thought of ourselves as creative people, not business people. It's a bit daunting actually," he said. [
News for May 30, 2007
Chat with Weta Designer Stephen Crowe Tomorrow!
5/30/07, 8:35 pm EST - Xoanon
WETANZ.com: Weta Designer Stephen Crowe returns to the forums to answer as many questions as he can on NZ Thurs 31 May. Here are some of the highlights from last week's blitz...Here's a snippet:
What was your first project with Weta and what was your best? Stephen: "I was originally brought in to work on the Neon Genesis Evangelion live action movie - which was good fun, and a very steep learning curve for me. The BEST one is probably what I'm working on right now - which of course I can't talk about!" [
News for May 28, 2007
DVD Tuesday: F-Troop, Hannibal, Hepburn & More!
5/28/07, 8:01 pm EST - Xoanon
Take an early look on our 'DVD Tuesday' feature...every Monday! Sadly there are very few winners to choose from this week. However some of the goodies include; 'Heavy Petting: Special Edition' & 'Katherine Hepburn Collection'. There are really no big releases of note this week, save perhaps 'Hannibal Rising: Unrated'. The HD DVD crowd get a few good titles this week with 'Dragonheart', 'Frighteners' & 'Lost in Translation' all coming out tomorrow. The Blu ray gurus get 'Curse of the Golden Flower' & 'Weeds Season 1'. Check out the whole list here! [
News for May 26, 2007
Sideshow Collectibles Newsletter
5/26/07, 8:36 pm EST - Xoanon
Be sure to check out our weekly
Sideshow Collectibles update! Each week we provide an update on your favorite Sideshow goodies, from busts to premium figures and more! Take a look! [
News for May 24, 2007
Massive Weta sale in London
5/24/07, 2:00 pm EST - Xoanon
To celebrate their return to London’s biggest and baddest movie, comic and media convention, Weta Limited are selling 1,200 collectibles from their King Kong range at the bargain price of £1! Sounding a little too good to be true? Well, it isn’t! [
Weta Rayguns Pre-Ordering Starts TOMORROW!
5/24/07, 1:53 pm EST - Xoanon
Rachel from
WETA writes: A reminder that tomorrow (Fri 25 May) we will open our pre-ordering for the first of the three Weta Originals, the 'Goliathon 83 Infinity Beam Projector'. The Goliathon is the heaviest of the three, and if the press information is anything to go by, is "perfect for clubbing small seals or naughty children". The Goliathon 83 was featured alongside the Rayguns range in this month's WIRED Magazine. [
Happy Birthday Jim Broadbent!
5/24/07, 1:29 pm EST - Xoanon

Today is Jim Broadbent's birthday! Jim was born on May 24th, 1949 in Lincolnshire, England. That makes him 58 today! Happy Birthday Jim!
News for May 23, 2007
Devil set to be workshopped at Weta - website
5/23/07, 9:05 pm EST - Xoanon
Peter Jackson's Weta Workshop is in talks to create visual effects for an action adventure film telling the story behind the devil's fall from grace, an industry website has reported. The film – to be produced by Christine Iso's Los Angeles-based Pacifica International company – may also be shot in New Zealand to take advantage of local tax credits, screendaily.com said. The writer of Sleepless In Seattle, David Ward, is producing a script from a story by first-time director Ray Griggs, who has personally financed development of the project. The film, Lucifer, describes how the devil was once an angel whose pride caused him to be cast out of heaven and bring sin and death to mankind. [
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