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May 04, 2006 - May 29, 2006
News for May 29, 2006
Happy Birthday Rupert Everett!
5/29/06, 9:15 pm EST - Xoanon

Today is Rupert Everett's Birthday! Rupert James Hector Everett was born on May 29th, 1959 in Norfolk, England. That makes him 47 years old today! Happy Birthday Rupert!
News for May 28, 2006
A piece of Tinseltown in Miramar
5/28/06, 10:45 pm EST - Xoanon
It's not quite an Oscar, but winning a Wellington Region Gold Award is still an outstanding achievement for Park Road Post. The
Peter Jackson-owned post-production facility for the film industry won the award for Creative Gold at the awards two weeks ago. Marketing and brand director Gareth Ruck said: "To be seen to be within the top (of Wellington business) is very important to us". "To be recognised at the top in a city that is recognised at the top creatively: it's a big buzz." "We are proud Wellingtonians and we support Wellington film-makers." [
News for May 27, 2006
WETA Attends London MCM Expo
5/27/06, 11:51 am EST - Xoanon
Folks from the
London MCM Expo write:
WETA will be making an appearance at the upcoming London MCM Expo in the UK on the 27th & 28th May 2006, they will be showcasing their upcoming and current range of products to the European fans. This is a very rare appearance from the company its self rather than a licensee. Along with their appearance a lot more is happening with guests from film and TV, stage talks and much more. Updates will come when more comes clear, more information on the event can found at
News for May 24, 2006
Happy Birthday Jim Broadbent!
5/24/06, 9:23 am EST - Xoanon

Today is Jim Broadbent's birthday! Jim played Professor Kirke in the first Narnia film. He was born on May 24th, 1949 in Lincolnshire, England. That makes him 57 years old today! Happy Birthday Jim!
News for May 18, 2006
Disney pushes back "Prince Caspian" to summer '08
5/18/06, 9:37 pm EST - Xoanon
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - The Walt Disney Co has postponed the release of "Prince Caspian" -- the sequel to its hit film "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" -- to summer of 2008 from the 2007 holiday season, a company spokesman said on Wednesday. The delay was meant to give director Andrew Adamson more time to work on the special-effects-laden film, which is based on the children's book by C.S. Lewis, spokesman Dennis Rice said. [
News for May 09, 2006
Tahi the kiwi gets a new leg
5/09/06, 10:19 am EST - Xoanon
If you are a bird that does not fly, having two legs is pretty important. So when a wild kiwi lost one of his legs below the knee to a gin trap, a New Zealand zoo decided to help out this iconic native bird. The zoo decided to see if it could fit a prosthetic leg to the North Island brown kiwi. For help, the zoo turned to its neighbours - the Wellington Artificial Limb Board and the Weta Workshop, makers of special effects for movies such as Lord of the Rings and King Kong. To create a mould of the bird's stump, Gina Acevedo, prosthetic and visual creature effects art director at Weta Workshop, used the same techniques on the kiwi as he would on a film star. [
News for May 04, 2006
C.S. Lewis biographer speaking in Houston
5/04/06, 3:02 pm EST - Xoanon
Michael Martinez writes: Thought you would be interested to know that Mary Dodson Wade, author of
C.S. LEWIS: THE CHRONICLER OF NARNIA, will be speaking to the Inklings Roundtable of Houston next Thursday evening, May 11. Mary has a biography you can read online
So far as I know, she is not the Mary Wade associated with the Marion E. Wade Center at Wheaton College (some Lewis fans may be familiar with this resource): [wheaton.edu]
The meeting will be held at 7:00 PM on Thursday, May 11 at the Black
Labrador Pub, located at 4100 Montrose just north of the intersection of Montrose and Richmond in Houston, TX. [More]
The Inklings Roundtable of Houston, co-founded by Dr. Jane Chance of Rice University, meets the second Thursday of every month.
Order 'C.S. LEWIS: THE CHRONICLER OF NARNIA' on Amazon.com today!
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