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April 25, 2005 - May 07, 2005
News for May 07, 2005
French Narnia Trailer Online Now!
5/07/05, 8:27 pm EST - Xoanon
NarniaWeb: For those of you who can understand French, the trailer is currently available from French cinema site
www.allocine.fr. It’s embedded video, so you can’t download it, but it’s exciting nonetheless! It runs a total of 2 minutes and 18 seconds, and is now available for viewing. We also have a mirror now at potterworldonline and an english version of the trailer with French subtitles. All links are listed below:
-French Trailer at Allocine.fr
-English Trailer w/ French Subtitles at Allocine.fr
Mirrors (click and click "Save Target As"):
-English Trailer w/ French Subtitles at NarniaWeb.com
-French Trailer at Potterworldonline.com (thanks to Winky)
-English Trailer w/ French Subtitles at TheOneLion.net
-French Trailer at TheOneLion.net
News for May 04, 2005
Weta Workshop jobs go to Singaporeans
5/04/05, 9:09 pm EST - Xoanon
Wellington's Weta Workshop has started "importing" animators from overseas to work on a new television series. Weta has set up five Singaporean animators in New Zealand to work on a 26-episode, 3D animated series it is producing with Canadian entertainment company Nelvana, the Channelnewsasia website reports. The animation series, Jane and the Dragon, stars 12-year old Jane, a headstrong knight in the King's Guard, and a 300-year old dragon for company. It will be broadcast in Australasia, North America and Europe early next year. [
Worldwide Trailer Roadblock Debut For Narnia
5/04/05, 2:10 pm EST - leo
Poised to reach the largest worldwide audience ever for a theatrical trailer debut, an estimated 200 million+ viewers in 32 countries, 13 languages, across five continents and spanning over 12 time zones will experience for the very first time Walt Disney Pictures/Walden Media’s “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe” with an unprecedented first-ever global “roadblock”. [
Here are some times and place you can catch the trailer this weekend!
US - May 7th during ABC’s network premiere of “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”
Germany - May 7th on 20:14hr (local time) on PRO7 (kudos to Narnian for the heads up!)
Holland - May 6th on 18:35 and 23:55hr on RTL4 and Yorin (kudos to the folks from Narniafilms.nl for the heads up!)
Know some other places? Drop us a line!
News for May 03, 2005
The Wonderful World of 'Narnia'
5/03/05, 2:51 pm EST - maegwen
USA Today: When the first trailer for The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe makes its U.S. premiere Saturday night during ABC's showing of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets— airing at the same time in 30-plus countries — viewers are apt to gaze in wonder. And be taken aback. [
News for May 02, 2005
Best supporting cast
5/02/05, 6:40 pm EST - Xoanon

Three years ago, Oscar-winning partners Richard Taylor and Tania Rodger were keeping vigil beside their son in Wellington's neo-natal unit. Now they are patrons of the Neonatal Trust, which raises money for equipment and helps other children and parents in the same situation. The vigil was a life-changing experience for the Weta Workshop co-owners, and one they describe as extremely "humbling". [
Journey to Narnia
5/02/05, 6:32 pm EST - Xoanon
workingmom.com: If you thought The Lord of the Rings movies were big, wait until The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe hits theatres on December 9th 2005. The Chronicles of Narnia have sold over 85 million copies worldwide; furthermore, there are seven potential movies in the series versus just three in LOTR. [
News for May 01, 2005
Newsweek Exclusive: Welcome to Narnia
5/01/05, 6:53 pm EST - Xoanon
NarniaWeb: The Newsweek article talks about
Georgie Henley and her experience on the set of Narnia. "
Georgie Henley turned 9 while playing Lucy in "The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe," so nobody needed to teach her about wonderment... ...We built the set for Narnia and we took Georgie up there blindfolded," says director Andrew Adamson ("Shrek"). "Then we just let her go." [
WETA Works on 'Jane'
5/01/05, 11:37 am EST - Xoanon
Working with the best to produce a world-class TV animation series. That's what five Singaporean animators are doing with one of the world's foremost special effects house responsible for the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy. "Jane and the Dragon" is a 26-episode, 3-D animated series co-produced by Oscar-winning team -
WETA Workshop of New Zealand and renowned Canadian entertainment company Nelvana. [
News for Apr. 29, 2005
NZ still in Hollywood's Spotlight
4/29/05, 2:43 pm EST - Xoanon
More Hollywood films may be on the way, but the New Zealand film industry needs to be wary of arrogance and overcharging, says Film Venture Taranaki's Peter Avery. Mr Avery, who has just returned with a Film New Zealand party from the annual Association of Film Commissioners Internationale in California, said New Zealand was still firmly in the minds of Hollywood film executives. [
News for Apr. 25, 2005
Ray Winstone talks about Scum
4/25/05, 2:17 pm EST - Xoanon

Hackney-born actor
Ray Winstone has been talking about his role in the cult film Scum. A former London Schoolboy Boxing Champion, Winstone was perhaps the perfect person to carve out a career playing your classic cockney hard man. He became world famous in Gary Oldman's Nil By Mouth, but his big screen debut was more than 25 years ago in the controversial film Scum. [
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