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April 04, 2005 - April 24, 2005
News for Apr. 24, 2005
Actor's weight-loss regime leaves Aslan with no voice
4/24/05, 10:08 pm EST - Xoanon
The man behind the voice of Aslan, Brian Cox, has reportedly lost the plum role in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe because his voice changed when he lost weight. Fan websites for the movie, directed by New Zealand's Andrew Adamson, said it was announced at the Biola media conference in California over the weekend that Mr Cox, a veteran Scottish actor, had lost the part. [
Watch The LWW Trailer Right Now! _UPDATE_
4/24/05, 11:04 am EST - Xoanon
AICN has posted a recording of 'The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe' trailer recently screened for fans.
UPDATE: Disney has kindly asked us to remove the link to the new trailer for the moment. Sorry about that!
News for Apr. 19, 2005
Weta Workshop Site Updated
4/19/05, 9:30 pm EST - Xoanon
Weta Workshop's website has been updated! Take a look at all the goodies contained inside! This is one of the places I would LOVE to work for! [
Official Narnia Site Launched
4/19/05, 9:16 pm EST - Xoanon
Disney has launched the official Narnia: LWW website. Take a look! [
New Narnia Clip: Chapter III
4/19/05, 9:13 pm EST - Xoanon
Along with the release of the new Narnia.com website, the production has released another production featurette, this one entitled Locations and Sets. We have loaded our image gallery with screen caps from this latest clip. You can view the clip by visiting www.narnia.com and clicking on "Videos". You can also view all the images from the clip by clicking the image below. [
Faith Confronts Culture at C.S. Lewis Summer Institute
4/19/05, 9:11 pm EST - Xoanon
REDLANDS, Calif., April 19, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- In an age of ethical scandals and widely differing views on what can be relied upon as true, not to mention beautiful, more than 600 Americans will soon head to England to attend Oxbridge 2005, the sixth triennial C.S. Lewis Summer Institute, from July 24 through August 6, 2005. Organized by the California-based C.S. Lewis Foundation, which also has offices in Oxford, England, the conference is entitled ``Making All Things New: The Good, the True and the Beautiful in the 21st Century.'' Set in the medieval university cities of Oxford and Cambridge, Oxbridge 2005 will feature presentations by leading scholars and artists representing many Christian traditions and interests from around the world, in the arts, humanities, sciences and social sciences, and interlaced with music, dance, theater and worship. [
News for Apr. 16, 2005
Curioser and curioser
4/16/05, 10:59 am EST - Xoanon
After 55 years, another children's classic hits the big screen and becomes available in Thai for the first time. It took Harry Potter and his magical associates only four years to charm their way from Bloomsbury Publishing onto the silver screen _ and 47 years for the inhabitants of Middle Earth, be they hobbits, orcs or elves, to hit it big both at box offices and the
Oscars since The Fellowship of the Ring, the first book of the Lord of the Rings trilogy was first published in 1954. But it's not until this year, 55 years after The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe was first published in the UK, that it is being made into a movie, and the whole of CS Lewis's The Chronicles of Narnia _ arguably amongst the best children's literature _ is to be available in the Thai language. [
News for Apr. 14, 2005
Douglas Gresham Interview
4/14/05, 12:50 pm EST - Xoanon
Tirian from NarniaWeb writes: NarniaWeb was able to chat with Douglas Gresham recently and ask him some of the burning questions that many of us have had about The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. He was very gracious and very personal, relating his personal memories of C.S. Lewis and we are proud to be able to present this interview with the co-producer of the film and stepson of C.S. Lewis. We hope you enjoy it. [
News for Apr. 07, 2005
LWW Stamps Coming!
4/07/05, 9:57 am EST - Xoanon
KingKongOfGondor writes: New Zealand Post has announced to their customers today in their Annual Stamp calendar that on October 5th, 2005, they will be releasing a set of stamps depicting
Peter Jackson's remake of the 1933 film. Also it has been announced that there will be a set of stamps for the movie The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe directed my Andrew Adamson, which will be released on December 1st, 2005. These release dates are subject to change and are not yet confirmed.
News for Apr. 05, 2005
'Narnia' filmmakers face fine
4/05/05, 4:32 pm EST - Xoanon
New Zealand film-makers shooting a $US100 million screen version of British author CS Lewis's fantasy adventure The Chronicles of Narnia are facing a fine for breaching conditions negotiated with Czech authorities. Hana Hentschelova, manager of the protected sandstone reservation of Labske Piskovce in Tisa, in the north of the Czech Republic where filming has been taking place, said the film crew from New Zealand had brought more people and vehicles on site than had been agreed. [
News for Apr. 04, 2005
Stag too preoccupied for movie role
4/04/05, 9:28 am EST - leo
Taranaki's Rocky the Stag scored a part in Walt Disney's The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe. Well, almost – he had more pressing matters on his mind. The Danish White stag, from Stoney Oaks Wildlife Park, caught the eye of talent scouts from the movie, which is being filmed in New Zealand. [
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