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March 16, 2005 - April 03, 2005
News for Apr. 03, 2005
LWW Stage Play in CA
4/03/05, 12:01 pm EST - Xoanon
The staff and students of the Creative Arts Centre in Oroville will present the C.S. Lewis classic, The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe at the State Theatre on Friday April 15 for two performances at the 10:00 a.m. show, all local schools and teachers are invited to attend the show for the low cost of $2.50. [
The Chronicles Of Walt Disney
4/03/05, 11:58 am EST - Xoanon
Producing C.S. Lewis Film May Buff Entertainment Giant's Tarnished Image With Christian Audience. In a marriage of modern mythmakers, Walt Disney Co. is marketing a film based on C.S. Lewis's "The Chronicles of Narnia." And in doing so, Disney will take a page from Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ." "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe," based on Lewis's novel for children full of Christian allegory, will be released in December. [
News for Mar. 27, 2005
Disney markets ‘Chronicles of Narnia' to evangelicals
3/27/05, 11:38 am EST - Xoanon
In a marriage of modern mythmakers, the Walt Disney Co. is marketing a film based on C.S. Lewis' "The Chronicles of Narnia.'' And in doing so, Disney will take a page from Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ.'' "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,'' based on Lewis' novel for children and Christian allegory, will be released Dec. 9. For Disney, the Christian marketing campaign represents a sharp break with corporate policy. Apart from Disney World's annual Nights of Joy concerts, the film is the company's first undertaking with the religious community. For some evangelical leaders, it represents the effective end of their Disney boycott. [
New Production-Art and Game Screenshot!
3/27/05, 8:58 am EST - leo
Two new pieces of production-art and a screenshot from the upcoming computergame based on the film have been released over at
Cinema Confidential. The production-art shows Edmund arriving at the entrance to White Witch’s castle and a complete 'shot' of the castle. The screenshot features an Lucy and Tumnus arriving at Tumunus' House! Be sure to check them out
Casting: Mark Wells and Noah Huntley to play adult Pevensies
3/27/05, 8:53 am EST - leo
The web is buzzing with new casting rumors. Apparently there is still one scene to be filmed (and rumor has it that'll happen in the next few weeks); the one of the 'adult' Pevensies finding their way back home. Older actors are currently casted for the parts of the older Peter, Edmund, Susan and Lucy. British actor Noah Huntley (28 Days Later) en Kiwi actor Mark Wells (Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow, Nicholas Nickleby) have already been cast as Peter and Edmund, with more names coming soon!
News for Mar. 25, 2005
Broadbent's 'Valiant' in Released in the UK
3/25/05, 7:10 pm EST - Xoanon
Jim Broadbent's latest film, another animated feature called 'Valiant' has been released today in the UK. The animated comedy tells the story of a lowly wood pigeon named Valiant, who overcomes his small size to become a hero in Great Britain's Royal Air Force Homing Pigeon Service during World War II. The RHPS advanced the Allied cause by flying vital messages about enemy movements across the English Channel, whilst evading brutal attacks by the enemy's Falcon Brigade. [
News for Mar. 24, 2005
Narnia Figurine Pictures Released
3/24/05, 7:24 pm EST - Xoanon
Weta Collectibles is proud to present our new range of exclusive collectible polystone sculptures. The Collection celebrates the release of the first installmanet of "The Chronicles of Narnia", Disney’s "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe", directed by Kiwi, Andrew Adamson. Hand sculpted at Weta Workshop by the same team of artists who designed the armour, weapons and many of the creatures for the film. Darkhorse comics have joined with us as the premier distributor for this exciting limited edition collection. [
Christian Music Artists to Debut LWW Music
3/24/05, 7:23 pm EST - Xoanon
LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla., March 23 /PRNewswire/ -- Christian music’s reigning artist of the year, its hottest act and its most-often honored performer will join together with more than a dozen other Christian recording artists -- plus the winners of two Christian music talent searches -- at the 23rd annual Night of Joy, Sept. 9 and Sept. 10 in the Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World Resort. [
News for Mar. 22, 2005
DVD Tuesday: Broadbent's 'Edge of Reason'
3/22/05, 11:24 am EST - Xoanon

New to DVD this week is
Jim Broadbent's 'Bridget Jones - The Edge of Reason'. Take a look at this quirky comedy and order the DVD in our shop! [
News for Mar. 21, 2005
Disney announces Narnia developers
3/21/05, 4:14 pm EST - Xoanon
Disney Interactive has announced its chosen developers for The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. The game is "inspired by" the forthcoming movie of the same name, which retells C.S. Lewis' classic tale of four posh kids falling into a cupboard through a combination of live action and CGI footage. The film is already in post-production and is set to hit cinemas this Christmas, coinciding with the game's launch across a wide range of platforms. [
News for Mar. 16, 2005
Journey into Narnia
3/16/05, 7:06 pm EST - Xoanon
ASHLAND -- Step into the wardrobe with the Backstage Players’ "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe," Thursday and Friday at the Paramount Arts Center. Showtime is 8 p.m. each evening. "The play stays pretty faithful to the book," said director Jonathan Joy. This will mark Joy’s second directing experience with the kid-friendly Backstage Players theater group. [
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