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March 01, 2005 - March 14, 2005
News for Mar. 14, 2005
Everett to practice on "Boston Legal"
3/14/05, 6:05 pm EST - Xoanon

British thespian
Rupert Everett has signed on for and extended guest appearance on ABC's "Boston Legal," appearing on three late-season episodes of the "Practice" spinoff. Everett will play a "charming civil litigator" who will go head to head with Rhona Mitra in a major case. Sparks are bound to fly, since they're former lovers. Everett is best known as Julia Roberts' best friend in "My Best Friend's Wedding," Madonna's best friend in "The Next Best Thing" and Matthew Broderick's worst enemy in "Inspector Gadget." [
News for Mar. 09, 2005
Narnia Set Report 3: Centaurs and Satyrs
3/09/05, 3:04 pm EST - Xoanon
Tehanu has another set report from New Zealand! 'It's unusual to find a crowd of people at the studio who aren't doing anything, but today I find such a crowd. They are standing and admiring. The reason for this is that Richard Taylor and his team from Weta are visiting, and there is a kind of show-and-tell in progress in one of the studio sheds. The Weta people - already famous for their work on The Lord of the Rings, and currently busy on King Kong - are also making some of the prosthetics for The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. Today they have brought up the rigs and costumes for some of the C. S. Lewis's most magical characters...' [
News for Mar. 08, 2005
Disney Interactive Reveals New Details LWW Game!
3/08/05, 7:18 pm EST - Xoanon
BURBANK, Calif., March 8 /PRNewswire/ -- Disney Interactive, a publishing label of Buena Vista Games, Inc., today announced new details about its upcoming action/adventure title, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, for the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system, PSP (TM) handheld entertainment system, Xbox® video game system from Microsoft, Nintendo GameCube(TM), Game Boy® Advance, Nintendo DS(TM) and PC. Inspired by the upcoming highly anticipated motion picture from Walt Disney Pictures and Walden Media, the games will launch this Holiday season, in conjunction with film's release. [
DVD Tuesday: PBS Special on Sigmund Freud & C.S. Lewis
3/08/05, 10:55 am EST - Xoanon
The Question of God - Sigmund Freud & C.S. Lewis Based on a popular Harvard course taught by Dr. Armand Nicholi, author of The Question of God, the series illustrates the lives and insights of Sigmund Freud, a life-long critic of religious belief, and C.S. Lewis, a celebrated Oxford don, literary critic, and perhaps this century's most influential and popular proponent of faith based on reason. [Order 'The Question of God - Sigmund Freud & C.S. Lewis' DVD on Amazon.com Today!] [Order 'The Question of God - Sigmund Freud & C.S. Lewis' VHS on Amazon.com Today!]
News for Mar. 07, 2005
Opening the wardrobe
3/07/05, 7:33 pm EST - Xoanon
John Driscoll writes: When I was in elementary school, I got strep throat all the time, a naggingly repetitive condition that didn't cease until junior high school, when I had my tonsils yanked. During these bouts of fever and scorched esophagus -- and I'll admit not all of them were real -- I read. A typical sick day would start with a liquid breakfast and a request to my mother to drive to the library and pick out every book on, say, helicopters. Or snakes. Or trees. But I don't remember any of them. What I do remember is C.S. Lewis' "The Chronicles of Narnia." From the moment my father cracked open "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader" and read it to me I knew I'd be reading these books over and over when I got old enough. [
News for Mar. 05, 2005
Andrew Adamson Interview
3/05/05, 10:44 am EST - Xoanon
Narnia Web: Andrew Adamson was interviewed on March 3 on a New Zealand Christian radio station. We've got the transcript. [
News for Mar. 04, 2005
Five Movies to Nosh On
3/04/05, 11:09 am EST - Xoanon
USA Today: We've got the perfect pick-me-up for those starved for a super-size tub full of cinematic snackability. Here's a preview of five big pictures that are sure to pop your corn in 2005. And when we say big, we mean big. Big budgets, big concepts, big directors, big effects - especially that hairy beast who goes ape in King Kong, and we don't mean
Jack Black. Take a look at these 5 films :
Batman Begins, War of the Worlds, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, King Kong [
News for Mar. 01, 2005
Stone Table Concept Art!
3/01/05, 6:17 pm EST - Xoanon
Cinema Confidential has posted some new concept art on their website. [
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