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February 24, 2006 - March 22, 2006
News for Mar. 22, 2006
LWW DVDs Out April 4th:
3/22/06, 8:17 pm EST - Xoanon

Walt Disney Pictures and Walden Media present C.S. Lewis's THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: THE LION, THE WITCH AND THE WARDROBE, available on DVD and PSP™ on April 4.
This spectacular $280 million box-office triumph, Walt Disney Pictures’ third highest grossing live-action film of all time, will be available as a single disc DVD with outstanding bonus features, and as a Special 2-Disc Collector’s Edition DVD.
The Special Edition takes viewers on a deeper adventure into the world of Narnia with nearly ten hours of bonus features – including a behind-the-scenes tour with the film’s child stars, director’s diary, ‘cinematic storytellers’ film diaries, multiple audio commentaries, 3-D map, interactive timeline, featurettes on the creatures and much more. The “Narnia” DVD production team worked with the filmmakers from the very start of the film’s production, resulting in exclusive, never-before seen bonus features that deliver unprecedented access into this cinematic blockbuster. This majestic epic has been Academy Award®-nominated for 2006 Best Visual Effects, Best Makeup and Best Sound Mixing,.
News for Mar. 10, 2006
Actor re-creates C.S. Lewis in one-man show
3/10/06, 11:04 pm EST - Xoanon
SOUTH BEND -- Since its release in December by Disney, "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" has exposed millions of children to the works of C.S. Lewis and his themes of spiritual darkness and the struggle toward light. But for 20 years, Tom Key has explored those themes through his one-man show, "C.S. Lewis On Stage," which he brought to the South Bend Christian Reformed Church on Sunday night. [
News for Mar. 06, 2006
Oscar Winner & Acceptance Speech Clip
3/06/06, 10:06 pm EST - Xoanon
Here is the clip from Howard Berger and Tami Lane's acceptance speech from their Oscar win for Best Makeup at the Academy Awards on March 5th, 2006. [
Narnia Oscar Images
3/06/06, 11:06 am EST - Xoanon

Take a look at a few images from the 78th Annual Academy Awards. Howard Berger and Tami Lane won for 'Best Makeup' for 'The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe'. [
News for Mar. 05, 2006
Narnia Wins Makeup Oscar!
3/05/06, 9:00 pm EST - Xoanon
Narnia has just won the Best Makeup Oscar. Howard Berger and Tami Lane were both on hand to accept the award. Congrats!
TV Watch: Oscars Tonight!
3/05/06, 12:13 pm EST - Xoanon
Just in case you are the only person on the planet not aware that the 78th Annual Academy Awards are to be presented tonight in Hollywood, here is a reminder for you.
The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe has been nominated for 3 awards:
Watch this space for updates, photos and video clips all night!
NZ Oscar nominees buzzing
3/05/06, 11:20 am EST - Xoanon
The nine Kiwis nominated for
Oscars this year already hold nine of the coveted gold statues between them - but that won't prevent a fresh adrenalin rush tomorrow night. "The show is just breathtaking," says Upper Hutt sound mixer Mike Hedge. "The Americans really do those sorts of things well. Everything is taken care of." Hedge, who has worked with Kiwi director
Peter Jackson since Braindead, was making his third trip to the
Oscars with wife Joanne, who will be draped in a shimmery purple gown and $20,000 worth of borrowed jewels. "It's quite a busy time for us. A lot of work goes into meeting and greeting other potential filmmakers at the Trade NZ party. [
Weta wizards compete for more Oscars
3/05/06, 11:19 am EST - Xoanon
New Zealand's Weta wizards compete for more
Oscars in tomorrow's 78th Academy Awards in Los Angeles. But four-time Oscar winner and Weta Workshop chief Richard Taylor, who flew to Los Angeles on Friday, says King Kong's
Naomi Watts also deserved a nomination for best actress. And he hopes that actors who play digital characters will one day be recognised in best actor categories. Watts played heroine Ann Darrow opposite the digitally-created gorilla played by actor
Andy Serkis, who was
Gollum in The Lord Of The Rings triology.
Peter Jackson's $US207 million ($NZ315.21 million) blockbuster of King Kong has five Oscar nominations for best achievement in makeup, art direction, achievement in sound editing, sound mixing and visual effects. [
News for Mar. 04, 2006
Ape in Beverly Hills
3/04/06, 2:09 pm EST - Xoanon
The great ape King Kong has been at the centre of New Zealand's movie industry celebrations in Beverly Hills. Oscar nominees from King Kong and The Chronicles of Narnia joined the cream of New Zealand's film industry at the Beverly Hills Hotel to celebrate our industry's continued success. The event has a King Kong theme, with a ballroom being converted into a virtual Skull Island. Minister of Economic Development Trevor Mallard has been mixing and mingling with the glitteratti, and says
Peter Jackson has made a major contribution to making the world more aware of New Zealand. Mr mallard says that is what this event is all about: promoting New Zealand as a great place to make movies. [
News for Feb. 28, 2006
Moviefone Moviegoer Award Winners!
2/28/06, 9:16 pm EST - Xoanon
Moviefone.com collected millions of votes from movie fans everywhere and the results are now official. According to moviegoers, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is the Movie of the Year! Although each Harry Potter film has been nominated for Movie of the Year, Goblet of Fire is the first movie in the series to take the top prize.
In addition, Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon were voted Actor and Actress of the Year, respectively, for their roles in Walk the Line. Click below to see the full list of winners including Sexiest Kiss, Most Hysterical Performance, Biggest Badass and more. [More]
News for Feb. 24, 2006
Andover church to host conference on C.S. Lewis
2/24/06, 9:40 pm EST - Xoanon
Hope Community Church in Andover will host a conference today and Saturday that focuses on theologian and author C.S. Lewis. The conference, "The Theological Fiction of C.S. Lewis," will feature Chris Mitchell, director of the Wade Center at Wheaton College, in Wheaton, Ill. Mitchell has written several works on Lewis and was a consultant on the recent Disney film, "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe." [
How Digital Animation Conquered Hollywood
2/24/06, 9:38 pm EST - Xoanon
Old-timers in Hollywood sometimes talk about a golden age of animation, seven or eight decades ago, when cartoons were funny, beautiful, and perfect. But the truth is, toons have always been a bit of a backwater - the province of Disney kiddie flicks, Looney Tunes, maybe a rudimentary special effect. Until recently. These days, animation is everywhere. Pixar masterpieces like Toy Story and The Incredibles prove that a digitally animated movie can have more heart than a live-action film. Depictions of the fantastic - flying superheroes, ferocious velociraptors, battling starships - rely on software to maintain the audience's suspension of disbelief. Even the most realistic movies call on animators to simulate an ungettable shot or to make a moment just a smidge more perfect. [
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