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December 09, 2006 - December 18, 2006
News for Dec. 18, 2006
DVD Tuesday: Invincible, Fearless, Scanner!
12/18/06, 11:18 am EST - Xoanon
A ton of interesting new films are out on DVD this week. Take an early look on our 'DVD Tuesday' feature...every Monday! Check out some TV goodies like the 'Married With Children - S6', 'Simpsons - S9' & 'The Sopranos - S6 Vol. 1'. Some great animation out today as well, 'Paradise Kiss, Vol. 1' & 'Super Gals'. Disney has also released a slew of DVD classics 'More Silly Symphonies', 'The Complete Pluto, Vol. 2', 'The Mickey Mouse Club Featuring the Hardy Boys' & 'Your Host, Walt Disney'. The big release of the week is 'Invincible'. Personally I'm interested in 'A Scanner Darkly' & 'When the Levees Broke'! Check out the whole list here! [
News for Dec. 16, 2006
Happy Birthday Anna Popplewell!
12/16/06, 11:07 am EST - Xoanon

Today is Anna Popplewell's Birthday! Anna was born on December 16th, 1988 in London, England. That makes her 18 years old today! Happy Birthday Anna!
Richard Taylor Auction Fundraiser
12/16/06, 10:59 am EST - Xoanon
Kim writes: Our Rowing squad is fundraising for a trip, and one fundraiser we are doing is running a celebrity doodle art auction on the New Zealand online auction site Trademe (similar to ebay). Anyway one of the items up for auction is a genuine signed sketch of a Hobbit home drawn by Richard Taylor, multiple Oscar winner from Weta Workshops, the force behind the LOTR special effects and costuming etc. The auction finishes Sunday evening our time, so in about 20 hours from now. Just go to Trademe.co.nz, search 'doodle taylor'. [
News for Dec. 15, 2006
Sideshow Updates
12/15/06, 11:49 am EST - Xoanon
Be sure to check out our weekly
Sideshow Collectibles update! Each week we provide an update on your favorite Sideshow goodies, from busts to premium figures and more! Take a look! [
News for Dec. 13, 2006
EXCLUSIVE Production Stills from 'The Waterhorse'!!
12/13/06, 10:51 am EST - Xoanon
This image has been removed at the request of SonyOur moles deep inside the production of 'The Waterhorse' have sent along these three early production stills from the film. This is the outside worlds first look at the movie! 'The Waterhorse' stars Geraldine Brophy, Ben Chaplin & Emily Watson and is directed by Jay Russell (Ladder 49, Tuck Everlasting, My Dog Skip) and produced by LOTR/The Matrix megaproducer Barrie Osborne. The film revolves around a Scottish family who discover a mysterious creature and decide to raise and protect it from the rest of the world. It was filmed in New Zealand and Scotland and it promises to be a great fantasy adventure! Take a look at the photos! [More]
News for Dec. 11, 2006
Czech film studios enter new world with Narnia
12/11/06, 5:15 pm EST - Xoanon
PRAGUE (AFP) - Filming of the interior shots of Walt Disney's film "Prince Caspian," the next movie in the "Chronicles of Narnia," will commence in new studios at Prague's Barrandov studios, managers announced during a news conference. At the same time, shooting of "Babylon Babies," the new 60-million dollar film of French director Mathieu Kassovitz, based on the novel by Maurice Dantec, will begin on the same site, the director of the studio's management board, Vladimir Kuba, added. The two films will together launch Barrandov's new studios which have cost owner, Moravia Steel, more than 100 million koruna (3.5 million euros). [
NZ Work on Narnia Not Halted
12/11/06, 1:56 pm EST - Xoanon
In regards to
an earlier story that ran about the Narnia production pulling up roots and moving to the UK, the mysterious
N writes: 'I have spoken to a friend of mine working on pre-production for Prince Caspian, and she has dismissed this story as 'untrue' (to put it politely). Work is carrying on as normal.' In fact
stuff.co.nz, the news gathering service for New Zealand, has now posted a story about it. Take a look. [
DVD Tuesday: Prada, Ricky Bobby & More!
12/11/06, 10:15 am EST - Xoanon
A ton of interesting new films are out on DVD this week. Take an early look on our 'DVD Tuesday' feature...every Monday! Check out some TV goodies like the 'Andy Griffith Show - S8', 'Full House - S5' & 'Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. - S1'. Some great animation out today as well, 'The Fox and the Hound 2' & 'Barnyard - The Original Party Animals'. The big releases of the week are 'Devil Wears Prada' & 'Talladega Nights: The Bellad of Ricky Bobby'. Personally I'm interested in 'Kung Fu Hustle' & 'The Doors - 15 Year Anniversary Edition'! Check out the whole list here! [
News for Dec. 10, 2006
Narnia sequel gets the chop
12/10/06, 7:27 pm EST - Xoanon
Disney has axed plans to make The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe sequel in New Zealand, wasting pre-production work and potentially leaving about 200 crew jobless. And New Zealanders have been warned they must lift their game if they want to keep their edge in the film industry. The Andrew Adamson-directed Prince Caspian was set to be based in New Zealand. But Walt Disney International president Andy Bird has announced that the film, which it is making with Walden Media, will be shot entirely at Britain's Pinewood Studios, including all the post-production work, The Times reported. [
News for Dec. 09, 2006
TV Watch: Taylor on 'Holmes'
12/09/06, 4:52 pm EST - Xoanon
linuxelf let us know about this one: Richard Taylor to appear on 'Holmes', on Saturday the 16th Dec at 07:30 PM, on the Prime channel. From the website; 'Holmes talks to five New Zealanders who are building and leading dynamic and growing businesses, from Doug Bartlett, who invented the TV cart, to the House of Travel's Chris Paulsen and Weta's Richard Taylor.' [
Chancellor works his tax magic to bring Narnia back to Britain
12/09/06, 4:48 pm EST - Xoanon
Prince Caspian, the next film in the Narnia series, is set to be made at Britain’s Pinewood Studios. Andy Bird, the president of Walt Disney International, told an audience of television executives on Thursday that shooting would begin in February and that post-production would also take place in Britain. The announcement is a coup for the British film industry and confirms the belief that Hollywood is being lured back to Britain on the back of the new tax incentives introduced by Gordon Brown. [
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