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November 16, 2005 - November 25, 2005
News for Nov. 25, 2005
Naria Stamps and Coins from NZ Post
11/25/05, 11:57 am EST - Xoanon
Gandalf writes" I thought the fans over at TheOneLion.net might be interested in these offerings from NZ Post. I received this pamphlet in the mail yesterday - some very nice stamps and coins there! [
News for Nov. 23, 2005
No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear — C.S. Lewis
11/23/05, 11:02 pm EST - Xoanon
It is said that art imitates life. Dennis Hatcher agrees. After suffering a tragedy in his own life, his portrayal of C.S. Lewis in the upcoming Icon Theatre production of “Shadowlands” hits a little close to home. Hatcher plays Oxford don and author C.S. Lewis, author of “The Chronicles of Narnia” and “The Screwtape Letters,” who falls in love with American poet Joy Gresham. [
Narnia Kids Find Meaning
11/23/05, 1:42 pm EST - Xoanon
Anna Popplewell and
William Moseley—the young stars of the big-screen adaptation of C.S. Lewis' beloved The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe—told SCI FI Wire that the adventure is about an epic battle, but much more. In the story, Susan (Popplewell), Peter (Moseley), Lucy (
Georgie Henley) and Edmund Pevensie (
Skandar Keynes) find a magical doorway through a wardrobe that takes them from World War II-era London to the world of Narnia, a land they're apparently destined to rule. [
News for Nov. 22, 2005
LWW Premiere Report from NYC!!
11/22/05, 2:43 pm EST - Xoanon
Roger writes: "The Chronicles of Narnia" was premiered at NY City's Learning Annex at the AMC on 42nd Street to a sold out audience of 1000 people.
!!!SPOILERS!!! [
News for Nov. 21, 2005
'Box Office Inklings: C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien' Lecture in Wilmington, OH
11/21/05, 7:32 pm EST - Xoanon
Stephen writes: I thought I'd let people know about an upcoming Lewis/Tolkien lecture: Dr. Stephen Yandell, author of "A Narnian Atlas" in The Companion to Narnia and Assistant Professor of Medieval Literature at Xavier University, Cincinnati, will speak on "Box Office Inklings: C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, and the New Middle Ages" Thursday, December 1st, 7 p.m., at Wilmington College, Wilmington, OH, Boyd 119. [
Casting complete for Oswego Children’s Theater’s ‘Narnia’
11/21/05, 7:17 pm EST - Xoanon
The Oswego Children’s Theater will present “Narnia,” a musical version of the classic C.S. Lewis story “The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe” through December. Lewis, an Oxford don, was one of the most influential writers of the 20th century, having produced several popular works, including “The Screwtape Letters,” and “The Space Trilogy.” He was also famous for being a member of the group of writers called the inklings along with his friend J.R.R. Tolkien. [
A peek inside the magical world of Narnia
11/21/05, 6:50 pm EST - Xoanon
In 1950, C.S. Lewis opened the door to a magical world of strange creatures, an evil witch, a powerful lion and four heroic children with "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe." The book, written as a children's tale scarcely five years after the conclusion of World War II, captured the imaginations of kids and adults alike. Now the story - the first in what became a seven-book series called the Chronicles of Narnia - is being released as a major motion picture by Walt Disney and Walden Media Dec. 9. [
C. S. Lewis Audio and Video Resource Page
11/21/05, 6:49 pm EST - Xoanon
Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) November 21, 2005 -- LearnOutLoud.com, an online resource for audio and video educational products, presents the C. S. Lewis
Audio and Video Resource Page. This web page is a one-stop portal for every audio book and video by or about the author. Included are multiple audio book editions of the titles in the Chronicles of Narnia series including The Magician's Nephew, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe and The Last Battle. In addition, other popular C. S. Lewis titles such as The Four Loves, Mere Christianity and The Screwtape Letters are featured. [
Former Disney chief praises Narnia
11/21/05, 6:46 pm EST - Xoanon
Former Disney Corporation chief executive Michael Eisner predicts the Disney film The Chronicals of Narnia - The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe which was filmed in New Zealand will be as big worldwide as The Lord of the Rings trilogy, which was also made here. Eisner was speaking to ASB Business from New York ahead of a his first visit to New Zealand in February to speak at the global world leaders conference. [
News for Nov. 18, 2005
'Narnia' promo campaign by the book
11/18/05, 4:24 pm EST - Xoanon
LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - Faced with promoting its movie version of C.S. Lewis' "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe," a book that many readers consider a contemporary classic, the Walt Disney Co. decided to tread carefully with a "classy" promotional program that highlights the book's literary heritage. The movie, which opens December 9, will be linked to about 80 different brands ranging from Honey Nut Cheerios to Quilted Northern bath tissue to McDonald's Happy Meals, but Disney and its promotional partners say they have made a concerted effort to do what they can to preserve, or at the very least emphasize, the reputation of the 1950 English novel. [
News for Nov. 17, 2005
Adamson's movie gift to Jackson
11/17/05, 4:01 pm EST - Xoanon
Peter Jackson has one film he wants to see this Christmas – and it is not King Kong. Jackson wants a ticket to the $NZ210 million adaptation of C S Lewis' children's story The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, according to its Kiwi director Andrew Adamson. Adamson said this week he was regularly in contact with Jackson. "He emailed me the other day and said it is the film he was looking forward to seeing over Christmas." Adamson returned the compliment, saying he had made a point of seeing the preview for Jackson's latest blockbuster and would be off to the movie. [
Moviephone Talks Narnia
11/17/05, 3:19 pm EST - Xoanon
Moviephone: "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" is one of the most anticipated films of the holiday season, and fans can learn just who's who in the world of Narnia with Moviefone's exclusive character guide. [
News for Nov. 16, 2005
Disney Ships Narnia Games
11/16/05, 10:42 pm EST - Xoanon
Video games based upon The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe will allow players arcoss platforms to experience the Pevensie family adventures. Disney’s interactive entertainment arm Buena Vista Games yesterday announced new game titles which are being released in conjunction with the movie The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. The video games are now available at retail outlets in North America for the PlayStation2, Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo DS, Game Boy Advance and PC. [
St. Andrew’s Anglican Church Holds C.S. Lewis Evensong
11/16/05, 10:37 pm EST - Xoanon
St. Andrew's Anglican Church will hold an Evensong service in memory of C.S. Lewis, Tuesday, Nov. 22, at 7 p.m. Nov. 22 is the anniversary of Lewis’ death. Author of such famous works as The Chronicles of Narnia, Mere Christianity, and The Screwtape Letters, Lewis was a member of the Anglican Church. On this special occasion, in place of the usual order of service, the congregation will follow the Evening Prayer service currently in use by the Church of England. [
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